Dear All,

First, a huge “thank you” to all of the parents who have been keeping their sick children home, monitoring symptoms, and testing when needed. We’re all in this together and I appreciate the efforts of everyone in the community to keep everyone as safe as possible. When entering the building, please remember to have your children sanitize their hands or wash with soap and water. Thank you!

As we all know, there have been serious delays with our new STEAM building. Last week, the rain slowed down and they were able to replace the underground sewer lines. Disruptions in the supply chains, spikes in building material costs and unforeseen delays in delivery are some of the unexpected consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic we have been facing. Here is a layout of what the building will look like. We are hoping to officially begin construction in the next month.

Stay tuned next week for details on some of the exciting technology that will be in the new STEAM building.

And lastly, if you haven’t already, please see the update from Board Chair, Jen Meyers Pickard, here.  
